Planning Permission

Not all domestic building projects require planning permission or building regulations.  We can advise you on whether or not your particular project requires either.  We have a great relationship with the Ashford Borough Council Planning Department and we are happy to deal with that side of things for you, if you wish us to do so.

The Government’s Planning Portal website has some useful tools available in relation to planning permission and building regulations.  It’s worth having a look as it’s very informative.  Please visit for more information or get in touch with us if you have any questions that you’d like answered.

We have worked with the building planning team at Ashford Borough Council for many years now, and we will be able to help you with any planning related questions or issues.

Ashford Borough Council Contact Details

Ashford Borough Council accepts planning applications made through the Planning Portal. Click here to create a new application.

Planning Permissions for Loft Conversions

Planning permission is not normally required. However, permission is required where you extend or alter the roof space and it exceeds specified limits and conditions.

A loft conversion for your house is considered to be permitted development, not requiring an application for planning permission, subject to the following limits and conditions:

  • A volume allowance of 40 cubic metres additional roof space for terraced houses
  • A volume allowance of 50 cubic metres additional roof space for detached and semi-detached houses
  • No extension beyond the plane of the existing roof slope of the principal elevation that fronts the highway
  • No extension to be higher than the highest part of the roof
  • Materials to be similar in appearance to the existing house
  • No verandas, balconies or raised platforms
  • Side-facing windows to be obscure-glazed; any opening to be 1.7m above the floor
  • Roof extensions not to be permitted development in designated areas
  • Roof extensions, apart from hip to gable ones, to be set back, as far as practicable, at least 20cm from the original eaves
  • The roof enlargement cannot overhang the outer face of the wall of the original house

Planning Permission for Garage Conversions

Planning permission is not usually required, providing the work is internal and does not involve enlarging the building.

Sometimes permitted development rights have been removed from some properties with regard to garage conversions and therefore you should contact your local planning authority, Ashford Borough Council before proceeding, particularly if you live on a new housing development or in a conservation area.

The Good News

The Good News is that Moore Building Servicespecialise in Loft & Garage Conversions and have over 20 years of experience, so can guide you smoothly through the process.  We have a fantastic relationship with Ashford Borough Council’s Planning Department and can assist with your planning permission and building control along every step of the way.

about us - Ashford builder, Gary Moore

If you want to find out anything about what planning permission or building regulations are required for any project that you have in mind, please do not hesitate to contact us.